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When: May 18 at 9 AM – 1 PM

Where: Event Parking Lot and around town

Happening all over Clear Creek County, residents are asked to join the Clear Creek Rotary’s Epic Day of Service. Georgetown volunteers will meet at the Event Parking from 9 AM to 1 PM lot to snag an orange trash bag before heading to their pick-up site. The event parking lot will host seven dumpsters and a chipper for COMMUNITY TRASH, please avoid bringing your trash from home.

Look for the orange bags to receive a voucher upon return, each location will have a different local business voucher. We are asking for two volunteers to assist with the river cleanup. Two members of Rotary will be in the river with weighters while the new volunteers assist. There is a need for trash cleanup along the entry and exit ramps and along fence lines. Other areas of opportunity include the bike trail, the courts and Greenway Trail, Rutherford Trail, and near the Lake. Car clubs who participate in Ice Driving will be tackling the like as well.

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