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Fire & Ice Chili Competition

Sunday, September 24th 2023

Strauss Park, Georgetown

Setup time: 8am-9am

Start: 11am-4pm

Cleanup: 4-5pm

Form to sign up 

-15 teams of 4 $40 entry fee w/restaurant or business partner

-Teams present enough chili for 30 people w/ -business partners creating a cocktail or mocktail pairing for their team

-Teams will be provided with power, bowls, spoons, napkins & cups must provide own crockpot and serving utensils

– There will be a 1st-100$,2nd-50$ and 3rd-25$ place for best overall

– Live music at library stage


-ticket sales- $4/bowl-8oz /$5 drink tickets for alcohol-4oz/ $2 drink tickets for NA-judges get 1 free samples of each

$25 flights of chili (8 tickets)

– Each team gets a station , 1 stall for ticket sales & ID check, 1 stall for judges, 1 stall for water and lemonade, and baked goods

-ID for alcohol drinks- brightly colored wristbands must be worn to purchase color-coded cups to distinguish mocktails from cocktails

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